How to Find Down Payment Assistance Programs

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You just found your dream home, and it's within your budget! One thing has you scratching your head though, how are you going to come up with the 20% down payment? You're worried that if you can't find the...
How To Throw A Great Block Party

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Moving into a new neighborhood isn't always a walk in the park, especially if you don't know anybody there. But how do you get to know your neighbors in a new environment, one that's unfamiliar to you?
19 Home Renovation Mistakes To Avoid

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One of the very best things about owning your own home is that you can change it to fit yourself and your lifestyle. Home renovations are more popular than ever before, and there are countless shows, blogs,...
13 Questions About Home Inspections, Answered

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If you're not familiar with home inspections, then you might have a lot of questions about what gets inspected, how thorough the inspectors are, why you even need one, and what you can expect if you're walking...